Thursday, May 31, 2012

Daily's Ready to Drink Cocktails

So I kind of went out of the box with this one. I know this isn’t specifically a liquor per say, but it is still an alcoholic beverage. I grabbed one of these because frankly, I like frozen lemonade, and knew that I was going to be starting my drinking early enough that I would not have a good buzz when the Simpsons started that night. So the idea of a frozen lemonade alcoholic drink sounded like it would be a great addition to my night. Anyways, here you go.

Review :

First and foremost, I should tell you that if you read the instructions on these things, they tell you to freeze them for 8 hours before serving. In other words, if you are going to actually have one of these daily, you may as well plan on starting the next day. As inconvenient as it is to wait 8 hours for this stuff, I find that depending on your freezer, you can probably keep it in for slightly less, meaning you can have a drink a little later than expected, but at least in the same day. I personally tried both the frozen lemonade flavor as well as the margarita. I don’t know what kind of alcohol is used in these things, like whether the margarita has actual tequila and the lemonade has vodka, or if these are basically flavored wines like Mad Dog 20/20. What I do know is that when you taste these things, there is an initial freezer burn taste, followed by a blast of citric acid, and sour alcohol taste. I didn’t enjoy either one, and have to think that the wine assumption was accurate. It would appear that all of the flavors are only 5% alcohol by volume, so to get any kind of buzz, I probably would have needed to drink a gallon of them. I didn’t bother with the Iced Tea or Peach flavors because neither one sounded good, nor the Strawberry Daiquiri flavor because I am straight. So far, I have seen these things at a myriad of liquor stores, as well as some grocery stores, so if you do actually feel like trying them they shouldn’t be too hard to find. Plus their website has a store locator to make it that much easier.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : These pre-made drinks actually come in a pouch as opposed to a bottle. Now, I would seriously consider awarding points, if this pouch was in any way awesome. Like if they came with a straw and a punch hole like an adult version of a Capri-sun, that would be cool and convenient. Or even if the designated part of the pouch would tear in a way to make pouring easier. That would have helped a lot. But no, we get something that would have been better suited housing peanuts. The one good thing I will say about the packaging is that there is absolutely no confusion as to which flavor you are getting.

Score : 5

Taste : If using words like “Freezer Burn”, “Sour Alcohol”, or “Mad Dog” didn’t give you an idea, this stuff doesn’t taste very good as it is designed to be drunk. On the website they do have ideas of ways you can mix these pouches with other stuff for a fancier drink, and I have found a few websites with drink recipes that involve these things. I imagine that if you mix either the margarita or the lemonade flavors with some Sprite, it might be ok, but that just kills the alcohol content even more.

Score 10

The Buzz : You wont get one without drinking about 20 of these things. Unless you are a ridiculous light-weight and get a buzz off of one beer.

Score : 0

The Cost : If you are just looking for something to help you unwind after a long day, this might be something for you. If you are looking to get hammered, you are better off investing in something else. I purchased the flavors I tried for about $1.25 each. A pretty reasonable price for the first example, but a cost that increases exponentially if you are the second example. So it all depends on how much you like these things and how drunk you are trying to get.

Score : 15

Total Score : 30

Without a doubt, the worst thing I have reviewed so far. The price was probably the only redeeming factor for these things. I can’t recommend any specific flavor for anything other than to be used to add to a big jug of jungle juice or something. I personally would stick to mixing my own frozen beverages.


1 comment:

  1. I’ve spent plenty of mornings wondering what to do for a hangover as a result of a fun night out. I used to just suffer through them, but recently was introduced to a hangover vitamin called Detoxicated. Bought a sample pack on Amazon and was impressed at how well it worked- I recommend it if you’re sick of hangovers!
