Thursday, June 7, 2012

Smirnoff Tuscan Lemonade

Like I said in the last review, I am a big fan of Lemonade. Deal with it.


Review :

This particular product happened to be rolled out around the time I had turned 21, so when some douche at the grocery store was handing out samples, I was luckily able to try it. I have purchased it since then, just for the purposes of this review. Let me start out by saying that this stuff taste great. Unless you’re a genius like me and insist on the first sip out of a bottle being a room temperature shot. After I stuck the bottle in the freezer for a bit, then drank it in a glass on ice, you get some ridiculous lemonade flavor. Since this stuff is made with Limoncello, a citrus liqueur if you couldn’t tell from the name, that’s probably where they get the “Tuscan” part of the product name. Sad news though, it’s only 15% alcohol by volume. Sure it mellows out the alcohol burn you would probably get from a higher alcohol content, but it prevents getting a REALLY good buzz from finishing off a whole bottle, for me at least. The draw is supposed to be that you can pour yourself a glass and sit on your porch for hours watching the sun set and sipping your drink. In other words, its booze for chicks. Since it is distributed by one of the biggest vodka makers in the world, you should be able to find it anywhere you find Smirnoff. Luckily, I haven’t seen it taking up space at my liquor stores, but you can get it at BevMo and most grocery chains.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : I think Smirnoff has a pretty standard set of bottles. This one is no different than the one that their original vodka comes in, so it is nothing really special.

Score : 5

Taste : Like I said, this stuff does taste great if you are a lemonade fan. It has a really good balance of sweet and acidic flavors. Unlike your kamikaze mixed drink, you don’t get too much of an actual alcohol taste that comes through. It might be because of a lack of actual alcohol content. If I were to get this again, I for one would probably add a shot or two when I pour myself a glass.

Score : 20

The Buzz : Didn’t get one. I drank an entire bottle, and I know that I have a higher tolerance than most, but I got no buzz. I had to go out and get a bottle of Jack to finish the night.

Score : 0

The Cost : When this stuff was first released, it was around or in some places MORE expensive than their vodka was. Since then, the price has gone down. I checked the price at BevMo, and it looks like you can get the 1.75 Liter bottle for about $16, depending on whether or not you have a Club Bev membership.

Score : 20

Total Score : 45

I realize that 45 is probably a low score for a product that I say both tastes great, and is fairly affordable. That is why I grade on four criteria instead of just taste and price. If you are going to come out with some new product that you are going to try and market to an even wider demographic than your normal product, at the very least make it look cool, and try and make it both tasty and pack a punch. If I were able to actually get a buzz, and if the bottle would have been a bit cooler, this would have probably been rated between 70 and 80. However, since the only two things this stuff has going for it are it’s taste and it’s price, I wouldn’t recommend making this something to purchase very often if you’re a big drinker like myself.


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