Thursday, June 21, 2012

UV 103 Vodka

I Like Vodka, especially the strong ones.

Review :

I remember the first time I tried the regular UV Vodka. That was a fairly good quality vodka, and I made sure to thank my liquor store clerks for recommending it. So, naturally, when I saw that they had an even stronger product hitting the shelves, I had to take a test drive. Let me say, worth it. Obviously, with the added alcohol content, this product is a fairly spicy vodka if you will. I started out as usual by just pouring, then knocking back a shot, and believe me, the initial mouth feel will tighten up your vocal chords. It has that burn you would come to expect from a cheaper bottle of vodka all the way down. The thing that made this one different for me was what I was also drinking a coke, and the burn cooled a hell of a lot quicker than it did the last time I had the $5 gallon of Popov vodka. Major plus in my book, since that warm sensation makes it a little harder for me to do consecutive shots. As for mixing, I know I am weird in that I mix virtually ever liquor I drink with coca cola, but a shot of this in a glass of coke with some ice and you are set. I also find the classic combinations work as well, like orange juice, lemonade, and even strawberry soda. So you can probably find a mixer that works for you. If you can’t tell from the name, this stuff is 103 proof, meaning it is 51% alcohol. That would account for the burning sensation. I have been able to find the original UV Vodka, and its various flavors at most grocery stores, but this particular one I have only been able to find at liquor stores.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : The UV products have a pretty standard bottle. The cool thing about the different flavored ones is that they are colored to look how they are flavored. This one comes in the standard bottle, but with a black plastic film, with a gnarly font for the “103” part. It has a pretty cool design behind the lettering, but nothing too spectacular. It does stand out though. In the vodka section at my liquor store, my eyes were immediately drawn to this dark colored bottle amongst all of these others with their frosted look. You see it, and you know you are in for something different.

Score : 15

Taste : If you are going to do shots, and are not a fan of either vodka or particularly strong liquors, you probably aren’t going to like this. However, it does mix very well with other beverages, and they do mellow out the burn that you would get from drinking this stuff straight. I don’t really recommend it on the rocks because it is not much of a sipping vodka like a Belvedere, even though I liked it, but I’m a lush.

Score : 15

The Buzz : I will say this now, no matter what your tolerance to alcohol is, any time you have a stonger product, you are bound to get shitfaced drunk. I was able to finish the entire bottle, and had a pretty happy buzz. Probably one of my better buzzes I have had from vodka.

Score : 25

The Cost : Do not be fooled by the price of this product. I have seen it between $12 and $15. A fairly good bargain considering how drunk you will get, but nowhere near the really cheaper stuff that could strip paint just by popping the top. Granted, it is not the same quality vodka as the before mentioned Belvedere or Grey Goose, but still a good vodka.

Score : 20

Total Score : 75

While not the greatest vodka ever, it is sure to get you smashed, and for a good price. You may have noticed that I gave this product the ranking as the Crystal Skull, but with higher marks in different categories. This stuff has it’s advantages and disadvantages when compared to other products, but based on how drunk I got for the price I paid, it was totally worth it.


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