Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jack Daniel's Single Barrel

I am a big fan of ole Jack Daniels. So I obviously try to taste all of their other products as well.

Review :

This particular incarnation was starting to show up on shelves in the early 2000s. Obviously before I was 21, so I only got to try it a couple of years ago. Needless to say, I made the fatal mistake of popping the bottle open and just taking a swig like it was the original Jack. It would have been the only whiskey I would have ever spit out in my 25 years on this Earth. Not from the taste, but just out of surprise because of the slightly higher alcohol content and because this is not a drink you do shots of. After I chugged a good amount of my coke to avoid losing my lunch, I did a bit of research on it. Turns out, this is supposed to be more of a sipping whiskey. With that in mind, I poured some in a glass on the rocks. WAY better then the first drink. I found myself slowly drinking this stuff like a weird looking Bond Villain, and thoroughly enjoying the shit out of this stuff. It smelled exquisite, and had a sweet, yet smoky taste to it. Like I said, it does have slightly more alcohol content, as it is 47% or 94 Proof, but that doesn’t ruin the flavor at all. After doing my research I didn’t bother mixing it with anything, for the first few drinks, but general curiosity had me mixing with coke later that evening. Must say, not bad. I personally prefer it by itself though.  I have seen it at every liquor store that I visit, and in most grocery stores in that little case where they keep all the expensive stuff, so if you want to try it out it should be readily available.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : I have to give the makers some credit on this one. The bottle is fairly unique in that it totally looks like something you could sit on your counter and call it the start of your own bar. It’s the type of thing that you might see some evil executive from some crappy movie or TV show *cough* Mad Men *cough* offering someone sitting in his office. Pretty classy Jack Daniels.

Score : 20

Taste : If you are going to just drink this stuff out of the bottle, first, you’re crazy, and second, you might not like it much. However, if you do treat it like a nicely aged Scotch, and just nurse it, you are in for a treat.

Score : 20

The Buzz : I drank my whole bottle in one night, and must say that I had a fairly mellow buzz. Not too drunk to be aware that Family Guy made a great joke, but not so buzzed that I would dare think of watching anything on the CW. I have a feeling that if I would have finished a second bottle, I wouldn’t have puked or anything, but with everything else, too much of anything isn’t always a good thing.

Score : 15

The Cost : The only real downside about this stuff is the actual cost of it. If you can afford it, definitely worth the price. If you are looking to get drunk for less, this stuff is not for you. I personally enjoyed the hell our of this stuff, but know that I can’t afford to drink it all the time, so it is pretty much just a special occasion thing for me. You can find it for around $45 a bottle, depending on where you go.

Score : 10

Total Score : 65

Aside from the price, the only other thing I will say that keeps this from being higher up in the score is the lack of marketability. What I mean by that is that you aren’t going to sell this as easily to someone who enjoys a Jack and coke as you would someone who enjoys your aged dark liquors. This stuff is not for everyone, but I would say that If you know somebody who has a bottle to at least try it and decide for yourself if it is worth the price.


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