Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver

Took a small break for Thanksgiving. I’m back though, and here’s a new review.

Review :

More recently, I have found that I am beginning to have a problem with tequila blanco. I think it may stem from a time that I was dared to snort some. Anyways, Cuervo came out with these “Tradicional” types of tequila not too long ago. The bottle was initially what caught my eye. I think that the BevMo I was at may have still been trying to get rid of their Halloween shelf items, because it was designed to celebrate “The Day of the Dead”. Aside from that, this bottle had a cork instead of the standard twist cap, which is always a plus when it comes to preserving flavor. Only problem is that this stuff doesn’t have a very good one. Keep in mind that I am someone who thoroughly enjoys Cuervo gold, but this stuff was a forest fire in a bottle. The descriptions describe this stuff as being “Sweet, with a Spice” and use words like “Herbaceous”, but it burned the hell out of me as soon as it hit my tongue. I usually like my tequila blanco slightly chilled, but not freezing, so that I can sip it from a glass. There is no way in hell I was going to do it with this. Like I said, I got my bottle at BevMO, but I have to imagine you can find this at Rite-Aid or other grocery stores.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : This bottle was actually pretty cool. The decoration was kinda gnarly, and I always do prefer a cork top to a twist cap. It was a completely round bottle as opposed to the usually squared Cuervo bottle with rounded edges.

Score : 20

The Taste : I didn’t enjoy this stuff too much. I was able to finish the bottle, but had a pretty bad stomach ache the next day.

Score : 5

The Buzz : It was hard to get a buzz because the taste kept me from drinking shots frequently, but one was achieved, and it was fairly sketchy. Not my favorite from a tequila so far.

Score : 10

The Cost : My bottle cost $18 at BevMo, which was about $5 more than I think I should have paid for it. I didn’t think it was worth it at all.

Score : 5

Total Score : 40

I think this came in at the lowest rated thing I have had on here. I wouldn’t recommend it, if anything, I would probably spend the money on the Gold and just make some margaritas.


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