Thursday, November 15, 2012

Three Olives : Cake

Being a fat kid, of course I had to try the cake flavor.

Review :

With how awesome the Pinnacle brand has been with their flavors, I decided to step out and try something else. I had heard great things about Three Olives, so when it was on sale I grabbed this flavor. As a straight shot, this stuff is nice and sweet, smells great, and has a good mouth feel. I couldn’t taste cake though specifically, it almost tasted more like just frosting as opposed to actual cake. A lot of the recipes I saw online had some kind of dairy product in them, which I cannot consume, so I just mixed mine with Root Beer. Sounds completely random, but worked very well. This stuff is 35% ABV or 70 proof, so getting a buzz was not that difficult. The only problem was that it was one that kind of snuck up on me. So remember to pace yourself. I got my bottle at BevMo for about $16, you can expect to pay around $19 on average.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : Three Olives has some fairly “Fun” looking bottles for their out of the box flavors like this one or their “Loopy” flavor.  This one was decked out with sprinkle graphics and a semi-frosted bottle. It looked pretty cool, but also like something you’d see at a bridal shower.

Score : 20

The Taste : It tastes good, but not great. Very sweet, and no actual cake taste for me, it was like drinking liquid frosting.

Score : 15

The Buzz : I got a pretty good buzz, it snuck the hell up on me out of nowhere though. Then once it hit I couldn’t tell if I was actually drunk, or getting a sugar rush. The next day sucked though. I felt like I had just finished a tour at the Wonka factory. Major sugar crash, and a somewhat sick feeling.

Score : 5

The Cost : I got mine pretty cheap, but everything else considered, I probably should have just picked up a different flavor of Pinnacle.

Score : 15

Total Score : 55

I am still waiting for someone to come out with a cinnamon roll flavored vodka, so hopefully I will be able to review that soon. If someone already has, please forward the info. Also, please send in suggestions. I am always open to trying new stuff.


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