Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped Vodka

So being that it’s just about Christmas time, don’t be surprised if I start reviewing a lot of products that will mix well with flavors associated with said Holiday.

Review :

So, granted, I have reviewed a lot of Pinnacle products. I promise, this is not going to be a strictly Pinnacle review blog, but we all have to admit that flavored vodka is possibly the most popular product on the shelves at the moment. In regards to this particular flavor, I tried it because some of the recipes I have seen involving hot chocolate, peppermint, and even eggnog. So if you want to try it with any of those, the recipes are all online. I drank mine straight up mostly because the sweetness was enough to not require a mixer or even a chaser. Although that may just be in my case, if you don’t think so then try it with some chocolate milk, goes great. Like all the Pinnacle products, this one comes in at 35% alcohol (70 proof). At the time I bought it, there was a pretty good sale on the Pinnacle line, so I got it for $9, but it usually retails for about $12. I usually get all my Pinnacle at BevMo, but they have a site locator on their website to help you out if can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : Standard Pinnacle bottle. Still looks pretty cool when compared to certain other brands.

Score : 15

The Taste : Great chocolate flavor, very sweet, and probably not something that most people would like to drink a lot of straight up. Definitely try it in a mix, I have to imagine it pairs well with hot chocolate, but know that it definitely pairs great with the Pinnacle Cherry flavor. Seriously, it tastes like a Cherry Cordial.

Score : 25

The Buzz : Being that I finish whole bottles of this brand in a single sitting, I always get a buzz. One thing I am noticing is that with the fruit or less sweet flavors, I have a great buzz, and get one fairly quick because of how fast I drink it. With this flavor though I notice a sort of sugar crash about an hour or so after finishing it. I wound up chugging a bottle of water to try and keep from getting a headache. Just a warning.

Score : 15

The Cost : I have to say, given the quality and smoothness of the Pinnacle products, I am surprised they aren’t more expensive. They average $12 a bottle, which is a major steal.

Score : 20

Total Score : 75

All in all, another win for Pinnacle, and I am going to need to find some more Holiday related products for future reviews.


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