Thursday, December 27, 2012


So, I realize that it doesn’t make much sense to review such a common product, but I have seriously come across people in the last few days that have not tried it. Not to mention, with New Years coming up, there are a crap ton of drink recipes that you can look up.

Review :

If you aren’t familiar with Jager, basically it started out as a kind of cough remedy. It’s a distilled blend of like 50 some odd herbs and spices, It has a very distinct flavor and viscosity, and is technically considered a liqueur like Baily’s Irish Cream. One of the more popular ways to drink it is in a shot being dropped into a Red Bull as a “Jager Bomb”, or the way that I prefer it, in a glass with ice. My only issue is that drinking too much of it makes me extremely truthful, like getting shot in the knee ala Uma Thurman at the end of Kill Bill Volume 2. It is fairly sweet, and has a kind of licorice flavor to it. Unfortunately, it only comes in at 35% alcohol content, so it might take a lot for my fellow alcoholics to get buzzed. It’s sold at practically every liquor and grocery store with a liquor aisle that I have ever been too, so it should be easy to find.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : Jager has a very distinct bottle. It’s a very deep green, mostly because the liquor itself is very dark. The label itself features the head of a buck, mostly because “Jager” in German apparently means “Hunter”.

Score : 20

The Taste : Jager has kind of a cough syrup taste to it, probably because it was created as a cough remedy. It is fairly sweet, but mixes well with the before mentioned Red Bull, as well as coke, and my personal favorite mixer Root Beer. I recommend keeping it in the freezer until you have a nice frost on the bottle, then just pouring a glass and throwing in a few ice cubes. It’s a great drink to sip.

Score : 20

The Buzz : The only downside to the buzz is two things. First, that I usually wind up spilling my guts about anything I am asked about. The Second, is that because of the low alcohol content, it takes a whole bottle to give me any kind of buzz, much like the flavored vodkas.

Score : 15

The Cost : My major drawback about Jager is the varying cost, depending on where you go. I have had different sized bottles all come in different price ranges. If you check out a few websites, you can probably find a good idea of what sized bottle you want to get will run you. I usually go for the 1 liter bottle, which will usually be about $30.

Score : 5

Total Score : 60

Jager isn’t for everyone, but I do recommend giving it a try if you have never had it.


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