Tuesday, August 7, 2012

No Update

You might have noticed that there hasn't been a review since the Devil's Cut. No, I didn't die, and no, I haven't already gone through every product at the liquor store yet. The reason for the lack of an update is simple. I am in protest. I am protesting 360 vodka. I literally went to every single place that sells alcohol in my city. It took me an entire week to do, but I did it. In all of these places, guess how many of them carried the Glazed Donut Vodka? Better yet, guess how many carried ANY 360 products, or even knew what the hell it was? One. There was one place that had 360 products. Not the Glazed Donut, which is getting great reviews from what I have seen, but a whopping selection of 3 of their vodkas. I have emailed and facebooked these people asking if there was anywhere near me to buy their products. Their response? Ask your local liquor stores to special order it. So I do. The two places that were even willing to do so were not able to get the specific flavor I requested, because it is apparently "Unavailable in most markets". I try the company again, hoping to find out that there is some online store where I can find their product, and I got the same answer as before. So I took it upon myself to find an online liquor store that would be able to ship me this product. For a $17 bottle of vodka, apparently the shipping cost is about $20. That's right, $37 for a bottle of vodka that retails for $17. All because the geniuses that make this garbage couldn't provide me with any help, other than "Ask someone else". I paid it. I am currently waiting for it to arrive from the other side of the country. I will try it, and I will review it. I cannot guarantee that my review will not contain harsh language, or some completely liable statements about 360 vodka, but I will review it. Until I receive my order, I will not be posting any reviews, because frankly, the idea that I had to jump through so many hoops for one fucking bottle just makes all the liquor I have had since ordering it taste like bile. I don't know if finally trying this stuff will make me feel better about the whole situation, but I guess we will have to wait and see. Until then, I have been trying other stuff, I do have other reviews to post, but they are being pushed back, because of what is apparently the Greatest fucking vodka ever. So, keep an eye out. Hopefully I will be back in the swing of things this week.

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