Thursday, August 9, 2012

360 Brand Glazed Donut Vodka

Let me just say, that finding this stuff was a bitch. My biggest complaint about it has been trying to fucking find it. If you don’t know what I am talking about, you can read about it here.

Review :

Aside from the major pain in the ass that it was to finally get this stuff, including the time that it took waiting for it to ship, after a total of 39 days after it’s release, I was able to get a bottle of this stuff. Let me say, the first shot that I took once we cracked open the bottle tasted amazing. It was dead on the flavor of a glazed donut. It had no after taste, but was intensely sweet. Obviously because it was a flavored vodka, there was slightly less alcohol content, it was 35% alcohol by volume (70 proof). I avoided mixing this with my usual bottle of coke. Instead, we made White Russians, and mixed it with the bottled Starbucks drinks for the coffee and donut flavor. Not as good as drinking it neat, but pretty decent. Now, as for availability, If you did not click on the linked post, I will give you a quick rundown. Apparently, you cannot find this stuff on the West Coast. The 360 vodka website has a store locator, so you can see if they have it anywhere near you. Don’t bother asking the company for any help if you can’t find a place that carries it on there, all they will tell you is to ask someone to special order it for you. If you can’t find it on their store locator, check out I was able to find it there, and quite honestly they had the lowest shipping rate.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : 360 has a pretty nifty standard bottle. They all have a cap with a rubber gasket and locking mechanism, like you might have seen on some micro-brewery beer bottles. I found that this kept the scent from attracting ants, and actually kept the vodka cool. So, points for them.

Score : 15

The Taste : Like I said, straight up, and it tastes like a donut. It actually has me wondering what some of the other flavors taste like. I don’t know if I will bother reviewing any of them though, just because I already know what kind of a headache that I will get trying to find them.

Score : 25

The Buzz : I actually didn’t get so much of a buzz, but definitely passed out. This stuff tastes great, so you want to drink a lot of it quickly. I wouldn’t really call it much of a buzz.

Score : 10

The Cost : Unless you can find it at a local store, or one of them is willing to order it for no extra charge, get ready to pay out of your ass. The bottle itself retails for about $17, which is a reasonable for a bottle of vodka. However, if you have to order it like I did, you are also going to be paying an out of state sales tax and a shipping price. This brought my total expense up to almost $40. This stuff is good, but if they had provided me any kind of assistance in actually finding this crap, or if any of the liquor store owners in my city weren’t dicks, I could have bought 2 bottles and a bag of chips. So if you don’t live where this stuff is readily available, the only excuse I can give you as to why you would pay so much for it is general curiosity.

Score : 0

Total Score : 50

Here again is my reasoning for being pissy about this brand. Link. As for everything else, it does taste great, and if you want to try it, go for it. At least you can say that you did.


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