Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smirnoff Watermelon Vodka

First, big announcement. The month of September is going to be “Pinnacle Vodka Appreciation Month”. We will only be reviewing Pinnacle products, and who knows, maybe even have a contest. Either way, we will have a new review next week as usual, but after that, it will be a new Pinnacle product every week until October. So stay tuned, especially if the contest thing works out. Now, new review.

Review :

I have to say, that aside from the Glazed Donut vodka, I hadn’t really been too keen on drinking flavored vodkas. I always prefer a straight vodka to the flavored ones strictly because of things like alcohol content, and how well they go with coke. I do like watermelon flavor though, so I decided to try this one out. Rather than coke though, I went with fruit punch Gatorade. Must say, the initial shot I usually take when opening a new bottle, sucked. It tasted like someone dumped a bottle of rubbing alcohol on a piece of watermelon, and I just took a big ole’ bite. Mixed however, was a different story. I usually have about a 50/50 ratio of alcohol to mixers when making my drinks, so there was still some of the alcohol burn, but the watermelon came through much better. I don’t know if this is just because it is a Smirnoff product, or because I used too much alcohol, or even because I was drinking it with Gatorade, but there was a lot more burn that when I usually mix drinks with my alcohol. A little surprising because like most flavored drinks, it is only 35% alcohol (70 proof). I have seen this at most grocery stores, so you should not have a problem finding it. If you do decide to get it, you  might want to find a mixer that compliments Watermelon, because I know the Gatorade thing is not for everyone.


The Bottle : Still the same standard Smirnoff bottle. Except that the label was a lighter red, or almost pink color.

Score : 5

The Taste : Straight shots : This stuff is gross. Mixed drinks : I can see an appeal, and thought it was pretty freaking good.

Score : 20

The Buzz : I finished the whole bottle. Had me pretty buzzed by the end of the night. Worked out great too because there was a new episode of Grimm on that night.

Score : 20

The Cost : I got my bottle at the grocery store, it was on sale for about $12. Pretty cheap, but probably a great addition to a big batch of Jungle Juice or something.

Score : 15

Total Score : 60

Not very highly rated. Mostly because I have been spoiled over the years with great tasting vodkas, and moved away from the Smirnoff vodkas of my youth. Other than drinking it straight up, it is pretty tasty, and something I would ;probably get again.


1 comment:

  1. It’s simple and relatively quick to spike a watermelon with vodka. Also known as a drunken watermelon, you’ll simply place a bottle of vodka (or other liquor) into a whole watermelon and let it slowly seep into the fruit. vodka watermelon
