Thursday, August 16, 2012

Johnny Walker Double Black

Oooooh, Fancy stuff strikes again.

Review :

I had to do a bit of research on this product, mostly because I got hooked up with a free bottle. Suck it retailers that don’t carry such items, and thank you Ozzy. What  found in my searches was that there weren’t as many reviews of this stuff as you might think their would be for an item that is labeled as a “Limited Edition”. What is supposed to set this one apart from the standard black label Johnny Walker is that is a blend of west coast whiskey, and is supposed to be more “Smokey” than that standard black. Having had the black and now the double black, I can say job well done. This product is definitely smokey, and actually a bit more smooth than the standard black. Obviously it is a bit more expensive than the black, but you can kind of expect that because again, it is a limited edition. Or is it? Also during my research, I had found that you used to be only able to get this at airport duty free shops, but then expanded to a global launch. So it SHOULD be available at places that you would be able to find your Johnny Walker any other day. This bottle is a pretty standard 40% alcohol by volume (80 Proof), and comes in a pretty cool box that looks like it has a wood finish. I drank my bottle on the rocks, and had a few mixed with coke. Both would probably be the ideal way to drink it.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : Like Everything else apparently, Johnny Walker has a standard bottle style. The thing that kind of set this one apart for me was the design of the label. It is obviously a bit more fancy looking than say a Jim Beam label. Also, the box I mentioned. Granted, it is an extra step to go through to enjoy your whiskey, but it gives it a cool presentation, and makes it a perfect gift item.

Score : 20

The Taste : Smokey, and smooth. My friend told me that he preferred it over the Johnny Walker Blue, I’ll have to agree. Although, I still prefer the taste of the Red, especially mixed with Ginger Ale. This was a great bottle to drink on the rocks, and given the price, it’s a great value for that classic Johnny Walker flavor.

Score : 25

The Buzz : I got smashed. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was awesome. It took about an hour or so to actually hit me, but when it did, I was swimming.

Score : 20

The Cost : This product will run you between $50 and $70, depending on where you get it from. It is available to order if you cannot find it anywhere as well. Considering that the same sized bottle of Johnny Walker blue will cost you about 3 times what this costs, it might be a way better substitution. Still a little pricy for some people, but in my opinion, worth it if you are a scotch whiskey fan.

Score : 20

Total Score : 85

Now I know that this has been the highest reviewed product on this blog. I actually bothered to check. It isn’t going to be everyone cup of tea, but for the people who are fans, this is a great item.


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