Thursday, July 26, 2012

Jim Beam Devil's Cut

Just a note, if you go to BevMo and pick this stuff up, make sure to wear your Slipknot shirt. Apparently, the cashiers are required to sing “The Heretic Anthem” while ringing you up. Not really, but the guy that was handling the counter when I went in did, so give it a shot, see what happens.

Review :

Normally, I don’t really care when a Bourbon or Whiskey advertise that their new product has been aged in a specific type of barrel, or has “Flavorful notes of (insert aromatic ingredient here)”. It always seemed to me like they are trying to turn something as great as Bourbon into a spiced Rum or something. Which led to some confusion on my part when I first cracked open this bottle. It smelled like a spiced rum, the first shot had an initial mouth feel like a spiced rum, but the after taste was clearly bourbon. When I say after taste, I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way. I like the way that bourbon tastes, so this was actually a good thing. The added flavoring kind of masked a bit of the initial bite that you get from Bourbon, plus this particular product has a bit more alcohol content in it (90 proof, 45% alcohol), so that was a welcome bonus. Needless to say, I got a fairly good buzz. It was pretty good straight up, but went great with my usual coke. I did happen to see on the website that they actually do recommend drinking it both ways, in addition to on the rocks, and neat. They clearly want this to almost be a sipping Bourbon. I can see it, but whether or not I’ll follow through with their suggestion is neither here nor there. I found my bottle at BevMo, but the Jim Beam website has a VERY useful locator on it that allows you to search based on your zip code and which specific type of Jim Beam you are looking for. So check it out.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : Seriously? I don’t know what the hell the deal is with companies and their standard bottles, but here is another one. The major difference, like most others, is that the label is different. It’s actually pretty cool, when considering that that the original flavor has a pretty boring label.

Score : 15

Taste : This stuff does taste good. I have to give them some credit. I would actually even be inclined to take it OVER the original Jim Beam. I still don’t know why you would want a Bourbon to taste like a spiced Rum, but I guess that is why I am writing here, and not the CEO of Jim Beam. Definitely try it neat, on the rocks, as a shot, and with coke. If you are a fan of Bourbon at all, I am sure you’ll find something that you like.

Score : 25

The Buzz : I actually caught a pretty quick buzz. Bourbon does that to me. Plus this is a little bit stronger than Original Jim Beam, and went so well with coke that I drank it pretty fast. Very mellow buzz, definitely a product I am going to get again.

Score : 25

The Cost : Depending on where you find it, the 750 ML bottle will run you between $20 and $28. So the price is a real downside to this. If it was a set $20 bill, then it would be extremely worth it. I had to go way out of my way, and made sure to bring my ClubBev card to get it. Still, if you like Bourbon, might be worth the price tag for you.

Score 15

Total Score : 80

I would go through all of my other reviews to see if this is in fact the highest score I have given anything on here, but I am lazy. If you want to find out, do it yourself. Either way, for the money, I find it to be a great choice, considering the taste, and how drunk you will get.


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