Thursday, July 12, 2012

Smirnoff Marshmallow Vodka

I had teased that I was going to be reviewing the newly released Glazed Donut vodka, but since my luck is terrible, I was not able to find it anywhere. Inquiries on the official face book page for that particular vodka keep telling me to check back soon, so who knows when I might have that review in. So, since I did not want to leave the numerous grocery and liquor stores that I checked last week empty handed, I decided to check this one out.

Review :

To be fair, Smirnoff wasn’t the first to do this particular flavored vodka. I am not 100% sure who did, but I do know it wasn’t them. Anyways, this stuff delivers as far as taste goes. I did my standard first shot to try the taste straight up, and you get massive marshmallow flavor. I stuck the bottle in the freezer for a little while, and got some stuff to mix it with based on various drink recipes that I had found online. I tried it with lemonade, because if you mix equal parts lemonade with this vodka its supposed to taste like a lemon meringue pie, and it did. Probably my favorite of the combinations I tried. The only real downside to this particular product is that obviously with the flavoring there is less alcohol content. Not that it matters too much, because I have yet to find someone who can actually sit and drink these flavored drinks straight up, you are always going to want to mix it with something, which means that your alcohol content goes from being 30% to being slightly diluted. Plus the added liquid fills you up quicker, so you are likely to drink less. I found this stuff at virtually every place that I went to in my quest to find the donut vodka, so it is very available. It comes in a variety of sizes, so you can have a little or you can have a lot.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : Yet again, we have Smirnoff’s signature bottle. Nothing special, nothing new, except that the actual Smirnoff logo looks like it got a bit of an upgrade. Other than that, you probably couldn’t tell the difference between this and any other flavor from a distance.

Score : 5

Taste : It does taste pretty good on its own. You do get a bit of an after taste that you would expect from any flavored vodka, but other than that, straight marshmallow flavor. For the best results, I would say mix it with something. I mentioned mixing with lemonade before, probably my favorite because it does taste like a pie. The other that I found worked pretty good was mixing with two parts chocolate milk. I used the bottled nesquik. It was supposed to taste like a chocolate sundae, I didn’t think so, but the marshmallow paired well with the chocolate.

Score : 25

The Buzz : I actually got a pretty decent buzz from this. Of course I was drinking it pretty quick, but was pretty buzzed by the time that my tv shows were on later that evening.

Score : 20

The Cost : Very reasonably priced. At least for a flavored product. I know that I have seen some other brands various flavored versions sell for as much if not more than their original flavors, but this one was at least $3 cheaper. So that was a plus. You can usually find it for about $12-$14 depending on where you go.

Score : 20

Total Score : 70

Aside from being utterly surprised by how much I like this stuff, I was totally bummed about the lack of the glazed donut. However, if I had to find a way to fill the void, I am glad I tried this stuff. Definitely worth trying, even if you don’t like vodka. Now if I can only find a way to make a drink that tastes like a smore, I’d be set.


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