Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bacardi Torched Cherry

So now I am trying out flavored Rums. Just because there isn’t very much other new stuff out there.

Review :

I pretty much only picked this up because it was suggested to me by a coworker. The name sounded like this was going to be a rum that tasted cherries that were scorched, like Cherries Jubilee. For some reason, I didn’t like it much. There was distinct cherry flavor, but I couldn’t get over the burnt taste in the back of my throat every time I took a shot. It made it almost like cough medicine for me. It does pair well with coke though. I would almost say that it is the ideal way to drink it. I got the bottle I used for this review at BevMo, but have seen it in some grocery stores, so it should be readily available if you want to try it out. It rings in at 70 proof or 35% alcohol by volume,  and costs about $14.

Breakdown :

The Bottle : This one seems to be a bit different from the other standard Bacardi bottles. It still had a screw top, and was kind of a rounded oval shape, so that hadn’t changed. This one seemed taller for some reason. Either way, it wasn’t anything special.

Score : 10

The Taste : When mixed with coke, it tastes great. On it’s own, I didn’t like it very much. It’s probably more of an acquired taste.

Score : 15

The Buzz : I actually finished the entire bottle, and it didn’t give me much of a buzz. And this was after a 40 of Bud. I don’t know if it is an issue of Rum sneaking up on me, so by the time I went to bed it was starting to take effect, but I didn’t feel much.

Score : 15

The Cost : It’s pretty cheap, so that is a plus. However, with the lack of a buzz, and not being a big fan of the way it tasted, I would probably take the Cherry Pinnacle over this one, again.

Score : 20

Total Score : 60

Like I said, it’s probably an acquired taste, so if you try it and disagree, go ahead and let me know.


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