Thursday, October 11, 2012

La Pinta Infused Tequila

Was looking for something different, and my cousin suggested this.

Review :

Firstly, when it comes to tequila, I never chill it. I find that it ruins the flavor. It should be at room temperature, even if you plan on serving it on the rocks. However, this is an infused tequila, which basically makes it almost a wine. So go ahead and stick this stuff in the freezer for a bit. Now, I must say that it tastes great. Great flavor, and you hardly taste any alcohol. I chugged the bottle. Probably has something to do with the fact that it is only 19% alcohol, or at least the one that I had was. Apparently there is some stronger versions out there, but I probably can’t get them here because of certain regulations on alcohol content in types of beverages. I am not sure why anyone would want to mix this with something else, but it would probably be good with some sprite, or even in a batch of sangria. I have only found this stuff online and at BevMo. The average price is around $40 a bottle. At the time of writing this, the company’s website is under construction, so I couldn’t find any other info on it other that it’s infused with Pomegranate .

Breakdown :

The Bottle : This stuff actually has a pretty awesome bottle. It’s a unique shape, a fancy label, and even has an agave plant engraved on the cap. It was a bit of a pain to try and open, but I think that may have to do with how the bottle I bought was being stored.

Score : 20

The Taste : Tastes great. I thought the flavor was right one, of course I love pomegranate. The tequila portion was very smooth, in fact, you could barely tell that there was any alcohol in it.

Score : 25

The Buzz : I didn’t get one. If someday I am able to find this stronger version that supposedly exists, I might be able to. Sadly though, this was only 19% alcohol, so I had to swill some other stuff I had on hand to get a buzz.

Score : 0

The Cost : I got my bottle for $40, and that’s the BevMo price. Honestly, for the money, I would have preferred something stronger. Keeping in mind that I could have bought 3 bottles of Pinnacle for the same price, and drank for 2 nights. I would say that if you have the money and are looking for something different, you might want to try this.

Score : 5

Total Score : 50

Yes this is technically a low score, but you have to keep the categories in mind. This stuff tastes great, and looks cool, but it is a bit expensive for the alcohol content, and if you aren’t a light weight you probably wont get a buzz.


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